My Car

I recently purchase a 05 Ford Fiesta 1.25 petrol in Jacksons garage in Cavan. I only noticed the car by luck when working on a Saturday and my uncles van broke down as the hotel nearby. It was pulled to the garage and fixed up. When waiting I notice one of the mechanics bring in a car and putting the for sale sign on the car. I had being looking for a car for about a month and had being looking at websites such as done deal and auto trader. I was fed up as nothing was close to what I wanted. This car was perfect and was only €2100. I asked the mechanic who put up the price sign what was the insurance like for a young driver on the car was like and it came to about €1700. Which to me was fairly reasonable considering all the rest of my friend were insured for around 2½ thousand euro. I bought the car using my earnings from my job during the summer and picked the car up the next day. 


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